Benefits of HALO Sauna

The Science and Tradition of Sauna: Why You Should Make It Part of Your Wellness Routine



Saunas have a history that dates back thousands of years, originating in the Nordic regions, particularly in Finland. Over time, they’ve evolved into different types, from traditional dry saunas to steam saunas and infrared models, each offering unique experiences. But beyond relaxation, modern research shows that saunas offer a host of health benefits that extend far beyond a calming escape.

  • Steam Sauna

    Uses steam to create high humidity (up to 100%) with moderate heat (40-60°C / 104-140°F). This environment promotes intense sweating, making it ideal for relaxation and detoxification.

  • Dry Sauna

    Typically reaches higher temperatures with low humidity, providing intense heat without the moisture.

  • Infrared Sauna

    Uses infrared light to heat the body directly rather than the air, allowing users to sweat at lower temperatures.

Key Factors in a Steam Sauna

A steam sauna is characterized by its combination of moderate heat and high humidity. The warm, moist environment encourages deep sweating, which helps with detoxification, improves circulation, and eases muscle tension. It's important to maintain proper hydration before and after use due to the intense sweating it induces.

The Science-Backed Benefits of Sauna Use

Cardiovascular Health

Regular sauna use improves heart function and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases through enhanced circulation.


Frequent sauna sessions are associated with a reduction in all-cause mortality, contributing to longer lifespans.

Reduced Risk of Stroke

Studies show a 61% lower risk of stroke among individuals who use saunas regularly.

Improved Mental Health

Sauna sessions help alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, promoting mental clarity and emotional well-being.

Pain Relief

Reduces muscle and joint pain through increased circulation and heat-induced relaxation of muscles.

Better Skin Health

Improves skin hydration and supports the elimination of toxins, leading to a healthier complexion.

Boosted Immune System

Increases white blood cell production, strengthening the body's immune response.

Enhanced Detoxification

Promotes the removal of toxins through sweating, supporting overall organ health and detoxification processes.

Try our HALO Sauna today